The Black Business Loan Program


This program offers short-term loans and technical assistance to Florida-based, black-owned small businesses. FAMU Federal Credit Union has partnered with the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity to administer the Black Business Loan Program (BBLP). This program provides lending opportunities and technical assistance to black entrepreneurs in Miami-Dade county. Under BBLP, loans are available from $2,500 to $75,000. Please note, if a start-up (under one year), owners must put up a 20% cash match.

To be considered for a BBLP loan, your business must be:

  • 51% black-owned

  • Domiciled in Miami-Dade County, as stated in the organization’s occupational license

  • Owned by United States citizens or lawful permanent residents

  • Must demonstrate that the loan will aid in the creation of new jobs

  • Must use funds for working capital, cash flow, inventory, and/or equipment


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